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星期二, 8月 30, 2016

Re:Re: [gmyb] Fwd: “澳洲价值守护联盟”抵制颂毛活动的重要公告

在 2016-08-30 22:11:59,"叶青" <usabbc97@gmail.com> 写道:

之所以能在中国窃得政权, -是靠苏俄共产国際一手裁培, 豢养, 给卢布, 给物资, 给武器. 实则就是苏俄共产国際的僱佣军. 所以当年他们在日本大举侵略中国时公然在江西成立"华苏维埃共和国毛就是这个中华苏维埃共和国的主席.这不仅是叛乱更是乘日本入侵中国时,公开的的卖国, 公开给苏俄当汉奸的卖国行为二是借抗战八年之机国民政府与日本拚了个魚死网破元气大丧. 毛则实行"一分抗日, 兩分应付, 七分发展" 游而不击,于是坐大. 二战后, 苏俄更把几+万日本与伪满关东軍连人带武器全给了毛共三则是骗人说要把土地给农民. 骗了千万农民为其卖命打江山结果毛坐上龙位后, 农民成了最底层的贱民.在所谓人民公社中更餓死三千多万







谁云多难便兴邦?  邑有流亡叹小康。

遍野尽哀高玉宝,  岂因一个世仁黄。

红包续得红旗谱,  白骨堆高白玉堂。

五十八年夸解放,  黑窑奴在黑窑场。

在 2016年8月30日 下午9:50,Xiaogang Zhang (G) <xiaogangz@acm.org>写道:


本联盟定于96日晚上6点起,在悉尼Town Hall广场举行和平抗议集会(已经向警方备案)。现已得到各方积极响应,将有中外媒体到场。呼吁所有华人同胞和爱好和平的人都来表示我们拥护澳洲价值观,抵制与现代文明背道而驰的毛思想毒素及"颂毛会"!





详情查看: 抵制红潮免祸害华人——致澳洲华人同胞的公开信 





On 2016/8/24 10:43, Xiaogang Zhang (G) wrote:













一、谴责任何个人和团体在澳大利亚土地上搞赞颂毛泽东的活动,谴责LB集团(LB Homes Group)公司董事长朱陶(Peter H T Zhu)和澳大利亚国际文化交流协会(International Cultural Exchange Association Australia)会长原野(Yuan Ye)昧着天良搞吹捧暴君毛泽东的音乐会;


澳洲价值守护联盟(JP Cheng +61-434 479 416, jpcheng55@msn.com

悉尼支持中国民主化工作平台(陈用林+61-433 918 099, ylinchen@aim.com

澳洲退党服务中心(John Zhuo  +61-433 333 893johntz33@gmail.com

中国民主团结联盟澳纽分部(钟锦江+61-414 561 725, utszhong@gmail.com

民主中国阵线澳大利亚分部(张小刚+61-411 369 661, xiaogangz@acm.org)

中国政治宗教受难者后援会(孙立勇,+61-433 348 606, liyongsun8964@gmail.com

悉尼青少年龙狮团(何威亷+61-417275325 ho.william.h@gmail.com )

中国民运墨尔本联盟(高健+61-433 169 889, jameskathy8964@hotmail.com

齐氏文化基金会(齐家贞+61-430 645 307ianhelenturner@hotmail.com


Joint Statement of the Chinese Community in Australia on Protest  against  Maoist Concert

August 24, 2016

It is reported that LB Homes Group,  a property development company   and the International Cultural Exchange Association Australia, an tourism and entertainment company  will host a Concert of "Glory and Dream"  in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the death of Mao Zedong  at Sydney Town Hall on September 6 and at Melbourne Town Hall on September 9, 2016 respectively.

Mao Zedong (also known as Mao Tse-tung) was one of top three  mass murderers alongside  Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in the 20th century, and he was a tyrant who  killed more innocent  people than Hitler and Stalin combined.  According to the declassified files of the Chinese Government and open data sources, as a criminal against humanity Mao practiced a genocide policy during his reign which led to the murder of at least 42,130,000 innocent lives including

-over 2 million landlords slaughtered in the Land Reform Movement in the period from 1950 to 1952;

- over 710,000 "counterrevolutionaries"(mainly junior officials of the former government and military of the Republic of China) in the period from 1950 to 1953;

-36 million to 45 million civilians died of man-made famine during the Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1961;

-3,420,000 (or 20 million, as disclosed by General YE Jieying, a late Marshal of the PLA according to one source) persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976.

According to Wikipedia, Hitler had murdered 11 million to 17 million German civilians, including 6 million Jewish people. Stalin had killed about 15 million lives during his reign. With enormous support from Mao, Pol Pot had slaughtered 1 million to 3 million Khmer people as well.

Multiculturalism in Australia should not be abused to praise criminals against humanity and promote political extremism. What Mao had brought to the Chinese and the world was his massive appalling crimes and a nightmare of century. Any praise for Mao the tyrant is against universal values of the humankind  and an insult  to the modern civilization. The fascist aesthetics under disguise of art and culture is the shameless means of the brainwash propaganda and a way of exporting the totalitarian culture of the Chinese Communist Party, which is a full contempt and challenge to the fundamental values of Australia.

Such an ideological infiltration has brought in cold blood and hatred, and it is constantly tearing the heart of senior Chinese Australians of generations who have experienced Mao's cruel persecutions, in the meanwhile eroding the mainstream Australian values such as freedom, equality, peace and compassion.

In view of the facts stated above, we declare

I.   to condemn any campaign of praising Mao on the land of Australia which may be launched by any individual and groups, and to condemn Peter H T Zhu, Chairman of LB Homes Group and Yuan Ye, President of International Cultural Exchange Association Australia for their sponsoring and hosting of a concert praising Mao the tyrant.

II.  to firmly urge the Council of the City of Sydney and the Council of the City of Melbourne to terminate the relevant property lease agreements, for the government owned property should not be used for promoting evils and inhumanity.

Embrace Australian Values Alliance (EAVA) (Please Contact JP Cheng on +61-434 479 416, jpcheng55@msn.com

Sydney Network for Democracy in China (SN4DC) (Chen Yonglin +61-433 918 099, ylinchen@aim.com )

Global Service Centre for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party Australia Ltd (John Zhuo  +61-433 333 893johntz33@gmail.com

Australia and New Zealand Branch of the Chinese Alliance for Democracy(Dr. Zhong Jinjiang +61-414 561 725 utszhong@gmail.com

Australia Branch of the Federation of Democracy for China (FDC) (Zhang Xiaogang +61-411 369 661, xiaogangz@acm.org)

Support Network for the Persecuted in China, Australia (SNP) (Sun Liyong +61-433 348 606 mandarin only, liyongsun8964@gmail.com)

Melbourne Alliance for Chinese Democracy Movement (Gao Jian +61-433 169 889 jameskathy8964@hotmail.com)

Sydney Youth Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe (William Ho +61-417275325 ho.william.h@gmail.com)

The Qi's Cultural Foundation(Qi Jiazhen, +61-430 645 307ianhelenturner@hotmail.com)



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