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星期二, 3月 29, 2016

molihuabj@googlegroups.com 的群组管理员垃圾帖报告








------- 第 1 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: 你好!有全国通用机打<发-票-开 .可以先验证,后付款。咨询 吴小姐136 2286 5130 QQ:264 8331 996%LIST_MARO3}
发件人: 自己设置 <gdits@ceprei.com>
日期: Mar 28 08:58AM +0800


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6005678961983373846

------- 第 2 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: SUV's for ALL budgets..Search here??
发件人: "suv 2015 close out event" <bardlike@grert.top>
日期: Mar 27 04:27PM -0500

Search for 2015SUV CLOSE OUT....Compare Deals In Your Area?

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=3527061500804227986

------- 第 3 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Commission Payment Sent
发件人: * SUPPORT <support@occupywallst.info>
日期: Mar 28 01:51AM


We want to pay you right now,
but before that have you
claimed your access and payment?


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=577762761659746132

------- 第 4 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: keep Intruders out of Your Home With Wirless Cameras
发件人: "Prevent Intruders" <cobaltous@gtuuyo.top>
日期: Mar 27 11:20PM -0500

<<<Keep Intruders out ofYour Home With Wirless Cameras>>>

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7623738970932368122

------- 第 5 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Is you wife_Unhappy In bed?...
发件人: "Eboni" <mesmerization@bugdog9.top>
日期: Mar 27 11:33PM -0500

/* Resets: see reset.css for details */.ReadMsgBody { width: 100%; background-color: #ffffff;}.ExternalClass {width: 100%; background-color: #ffffff;}.ExternalClass, .ExternalClass p, .ExternalClass span, .ExternalClass font, .ExternalClass td,

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=9069085703619653001

------- 第 6 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Website Re-Design Service
发件人: Priti Singhaniya <pritisinghaniya@hotmail.com>
日期: Mar 28 05:32AM


I am Neeraj Kumari a
Business Development Manager in New Delhi (India) and I work with
26+experienced IT professionals dedicated into website designing, web
development, iPhone App development, Android App development, SEO and

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7456465429744778974

------- 第 7 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Teaching_Degree-graduate within 12 months. .
发件人: "Become A Teacher. ." <unpurified@impalaorangutan1.top>
日期: Mar 28 04:42AM -0500

div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear:

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4052548077544097192

------- 第 8 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: molihuabj:从技术走向管理的角色定位和角色转换
发件人: 夏雯馨 <tmhxss@madn.org>
日期: Mar 28 06:04PM +0800

雯馨 祝您工作顺利,身体健康。

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8079790431346459928

------- 第 9 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: 1st Page On Google
发件人: Simon Hardie <sales@outsource-today.com>
日期: Mar 28 05:08PM +0530


I'm Simon, Online Marketing Consultant.

Do you want to see your website in Top 10 positions in Google or other
major search engine?

Do you want more targeted visitors on your website?

If yes, please let me know your*Website**URL

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=363051496606508067

------- 第 10 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: 你好,全国正规发@票点数优惠,可验后付款。电话 13660155331 QQ 1374085089 董先生
发件人: 李四 <1374085089@qq.com>
日期: Jan 12 05:27AM +0800

你好,全国正规发@票点数优惠,可验后付款。电话 13660155331 QQ 1374085089 董先生

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4757886956666648376

------- 第 11 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Someone has viewed your personal information online.
发件人: "My Life" <fathoms@websiteanother.download>
日期: Mar 28 09:32AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=578868186014811328

------- 第 12 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: The most famous clinic in the world helps you lose weight.
发件人: "The Mayo Clinic Diet Online" <however@click-any.download>
日期: Mar 28 10:21AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1600980391288606760

------- 第 13 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Why you Need to use cloud services..
发件人: "Cloud_Computing Options.." <recursion@pandabull8.top>
日期: Mar 28 09:56AM -0500

div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 CONSUMERS who have a flexible health care exhale spending account at work need to double-check kitchenware their employers rules to see if they dateline have an important

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1259820907167642700

------- 第 14 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Show Education Paralegal Solutions.
发件人: "Paralegal Solutions.." <circumventer@blackfrogcrocodile1.top>
日期: Mar 28 09:56AM -0500

div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {Even in this era of all things fisherman , big institutions like the Getty in result Los Angeles and more regional ones, like bypass the Walker Art Center in

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1856933916914497561

------- 第 15 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Another Biblical Miracle Confirmed? (pg. 1117 King James Bible)
发件人: "Health Scandal" <gunnel@thoughninth.top>
日期: Mar 28 11:18AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4463953188524617075

------- 第 16 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: 转发:《PMC生产计划及物料控制》邀请函
发件人: 沈总 <zsiqxcuo@e52lmt.com>
日期: Mar 29 12:02AM +0800


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7622985780292985914

------- 第 17 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: 需開各項業《發…^^票》:請聯系:15914430058, 林会计 QQ: 2045584258
发件人: 一行一个 <3121959219@qq.com>
日期: Mar 29 12:21AM +0800


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8469515760379188972

------- 第 18 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: prevent Intruders From Your Home With Wirless Cameras. Search Here
发件人: "Surveillance Cams Pros" <cobaltous@annau.top>
日期: Mar 28 12:36PM -0500

<&lt;Stop intruders with these wireless camerasystems<keep cameras="" home="" intruders="" of="" out="" wirless="" with="" your="">>&gt;</keep>

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7544952799277606702

------- 第 19 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Update about your complimentary airline tickets.
发件人: "RESPONSE REQUIRED." <crags@afterfirst.top>
日期: Mar 28 01:41PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7840955185095923434

------- 第 20 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Payment Pending: $1842.81
发件人: support <support@occupywallst.info>
日期: Mar 28 03:14PM


Pending Payment: $1842.81

So many people are making money with this APP.
I've invited you but you haven't taken

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=5661134372565418523

------- 第 21 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Whats your biggest frustration?
发件人: "E.D. Important News" <exoticness@nowsecond.top>
日期: Mar 28 02:02PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7706516554153782369

------- 第 22 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Protect Your Home With a Home Warranty. First Month FREE.
发件人: "Protect Yourself With Home Warranty" <choicehomewarranty@whalebug9.top>
日期: Mar 28 01:27PM -0500

archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td,.archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td:first-child{padding:10px 20px}archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow thead tr td{border-top:1px solid

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1354931599185026984

------- 第 23 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Doctor Discovers Slim Pill Breakthrough
发件人: "Rachel's-Health-Tips_" <holohedry@elandmandrill2.top>
日期: Mar 28 01:34PM -0500

div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear:

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4770865273668885310

------- 第 24 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: [Urgent] 1000's of woodworking plans here
发件人: "*Wood Plans" <abstergent@bulldogangelfish2.top>
日期: Mar 28 02:21PM -0500

Teds Plans

The Deal is almost over...

The Easiet Way to Start Your Woodworking Project

Check out the plans here

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4403989295930682855

------- 第 25 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: 销售精英2天强化训练
发件人: 何主任 <xzfnfe@ttp.mmit.stc.sh.cn>
日期: Mar 29 03:33AM +0800


【时间地点】 2016年04月16-17日上海 04月23-24日深圳 05月14-15日北京

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4669992333976182357

------- 第 26 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: View Your Credit Score Now
发件人: "Score Check" <creditcheck2013@chickenmonkey5.top>
日期: Mar 28 03:13PM -0500

archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td,.archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td:first-child{padding:10px 20px}archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow thead tr td{border-top:1px solid

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6334310665574166242

------- 第 27 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Do this to get hard fast
发件人: "Leana" <harmonising@kebaborangutan3.top>
日期: Mar 28 03:12PM -0500

div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear:

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1281638301946141299

------- 第 28 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: "Is--this--the-World's--Brightest- Flashlight?"
发件人: "Self Defense" <itinerated@enamehandle.top>
日期: Mar 28 05:01PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6336072026333929558

------- 第 29 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: $1842.81 Payment Waiting
发件人: support <support@occupywallst.info>
日期: Mar 28 05:50PM



You just received a payment instalment of $1842.81

Just follow these simple steps to withdraw

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1975470679971103101

------- 第 30 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Another Biblical Miracle Confirmed? (pg. 1117 King James Bible)
发件人: "Health Scandal" <bogeyed@thanfirst.top>
日期: Mar 28 06:08PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8262026002978559770

------- 第 31 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Debt relief is closer than you think it is.
发件人: "Debt Relief" <baubee@thansixth.top>
日期: Mar 28 07:02PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1162207181616749047

------- 第 32 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Search for The best..SUVs..Fast and Easy
发件人: "SUV Central" <geophysics@boxerbird7.top>
日期: Mar 28 06:18PM -0500

archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td,.archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td:first-child{padding:10px 20px}archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow thead tr td{border-top:1px solid

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=3793882016000066223

------- 第 33 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Another--Biblical--Miracle-Confirmed?--(pg.- 1117 King James Bible)
发件人: "Important News" <Adair@hwayrealize.top>
日期: Mar 28 07:38PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6502309744669355086

------- 第 34 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Revealing seven remarkable medical breakthroughs!
发件人: "Urgent info" <clonus@thatninth.top>
日期: Mar 28 07:41PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2799673821892120230

------- 第 35 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Lose weight with the advice of The May Clinic.
发件人: "The Mayo Clinic Diet Online" <convicted@andfourth.top>
日期: Mar 28 10:13PM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1983490889530292297

------- 第 36 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: [molihuabj@googlegroups.com] serive will be disabled
发件人: netease@netease-mail.com
日期: Mar 29 04:43AM +0200


你好 Molihuabj,


和蔼 点击这里 验证并获得更安全。


2016 mail.netease. 版权所有. NMLSR ID 399801

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4136039448188705743

------- 第 37 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: SUV's for ALL budgets..Search here??
发件人: "suv 2015 close out event" <unrefrained@buildcoldkevin.top>
日期: Mar 28 09:28PM -0500

Search for 2015SUV CLOSE OUT....Compare Deals In Your Area?

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1214294365648419130

------- 第 38 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: [molihuabj@googlegroups.com] serive will be disabled
发件人: netease@netease-mail.com
日期: Mar 29 05:04AM +0200


你好 Molihuabj,


和蔼 点击这里 验证并获得更安全。


2016 mail.netease. 版权所有. NMLSR ID 399801

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=3970345572499435730

------- 第 39 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: FW:
发件人: Lorrie Dominguez <DominguezLorrie7349@prod-infinitum.com.mx>
日期: Mar 28 08:27PM -0700

Dear molihuabj,

Please find attached your Remittance Details for the funds that will be deposited to your bank account on March 28th.

Best Wishes,
Lorrie Dominguez
Group CEO

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2499616039637161603

------- 第 40 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: [molihuabj@googlegroups.com] Service violation.
发件人: netease@netease-mail.com<>
日期: Mar 29 05:34AM +0200




和蔼 点击这里 验证并获得更安全。


2016 mail.netease. 版权所有. NMLSR ID 399801

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1295769878539709258

------- 第 41 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: [molihuabj@googlegroups.com] Service violation.
发件人: netease@netease-mail.com<>
日期: Mar 29 05:36AM +0200




和蔼 点击这里 验证并获得更安全。


2016 mail.netease. 版权所有. NMLSR ID 399801

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=171420931084669102

------- 第 42 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Withdrawal Request: $1842.81
发件人: support <support@occupywallst.info>
日期: Mar 29 01:46AM



Imagine being able to withdraw that amount
from your bank account every day.

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6626602031948199640

------- 第 43 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: FW:
发件人: Clarissa Campos <CamposClarissa65808@erikatanner.ch>
日期: Mar 28 11:37PM -0500

Dear molihuabj,

Please find attached your Remittance Details for the funds that will be deposited to your bank account on March 28th.

Best Wishes,
Clarissa Campos
Business Development Director

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2273212270979775118

------- 第 44 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: 1st Page On Google
发件人: Simon Hardie <info@outsource-today.com>
日期: Mar 28 04:05PM +0530


I'm Simon, Online Marketing Consultant.

Do you want to see your website in Top 10 positions in Google or other
major search engine?

Do you want more targeted visitors on your website?

If yes, please let me know your*Website**URL

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4864007214082038745

------- 第 45 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Re: Dear beloved
发件人: Mrs Joyce Felix <mrs.djamilaallien1@yahoo.com>
日期: Mar 29 10:04AM

Dear Beloved,

My dear, I know it will be a great surprise to you reading from me today as we did not know each other before. I will like you to please take time and go through this mail, it is the situation of things surrounding me that made me to

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6580822314317921354

------- 第 46 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Dear intended recipient
发件人: Safo Kantan <s_kkkka1@aol.com>
日期: Mar 29 06:07AM -0400

Good day,

I am contacting you to assist me in transferring the sum of $6,2 million dollars into your personal bank account. This will be for the benefit of both of us.

This is a genuine business transaction only I cannot operate it alone

批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8548301220440692920

------- 第 47 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: You've requested information about our Walk-In Bathtubs
发件人: "Cheap Tubs" <disgorge@andsecond.top>
日期: Mar 29 07:01AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=5274965964971466009

------- 第 48 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Your pre-qualifed offers are inside.
发件人: "Pre-Qualifed Recipient." <caps@wheretenth.top>
日期: Mar 29 07:36AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4856531459126394307

------- 第 49 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Win a dream trip to Britain for two
发件人: "Enter 2 Win" <equilibria@whetherseventh.top>
日期: Mar 29 08:45AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6791202807358272643

------- 第 50 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Enter now and you could win a dream trip to Britain
发件人: "Your Entry" <cribbing@whetherseventh.top>
日期: Mar 29 08:46AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2540713491897460655

------- 第 51 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Interesting--Results--for-New--Mattress-
发件人: "Mattress Option" <errhine@mroomhave.top>
日期: Mar 29 10:00AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=3007458157010918638

------- 第 52 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: We have a no cost way to resolve your debt.
发件人: "Debt Settlement" <jokjakarta@noweight.top>
日期: Mar 29 10:27AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8465886686167481067

------- 第 53 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Doctor's turn to Jesus?
发件人: "Urgent info" <freeholders@beforefirst.top>
日期: Mar 29 11:01AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6661558365132367021

------- 第 54 个(共 54 个) -------
主题: Another Biblical Miracle Confirmed? (pg. 1117 King James Bible)
发件人: "Urgent info" <homotaxis@beforefirst.top>
日期: Mar 29 11:01AM -0400


批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2024961112028556395




